Mikroskop används för att skapa en förstorad bild av ett föremål. Ordet mikroskop är sammansatt av det grekiska ordet: mikrós för liten samt skopein för att övervägas. Följande kända typer av mikroskop är tillgängliga: ljusmikroskop, elektronmikroskop, svepelektronmikroskop
Leverantörer av Mikroskop:
Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Tlf.: +45 35 43 88 43
Kompetenser: Kulörmätare, Ljusskåp, Kulörmätare för metallicfärger, Glansmätare, Transparensmätare, Uppstrykningskort, Skikttjockleksmätare, Viskositetsmätare, Viskositetskoppar, Ugnstemperaturmätare, Nötningsmätare, Mätning av våt färgfilm, Mikroskop, Hårdhetsmätare, Flexibilitetsmätare, Slagseghetsprovare
Elfa Distrelec AB
Kronborgsgränd 1
SE - 16446 Kista Sweden
Tel: 08-580 941 00
Kompetenser: Antenner, Batterier, Datorer, ESD, Inkapslingar, Kablar, Kontaktdon, Lodning, Optoelektronik, Reläer, Säkringar, Strömförsörjning
ZEISS introducerar Xradia 630 Versa X-ray mikroskop
Engelsk: Human-centered design and AI-based deep learning extend usability and productivity
ZEISS introduces the ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa X-ray microscope (XRM) for academic and industrial research. The newest addition to the ZEISS Xradia Versa family breaks resolution performance barriers, delivers an intuitive user experience, and accelerates productivity for all with easy, guided workflows and higher throughput.
With the ZEISS Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART) 3.0, the platform also leverages game-changing artificial intelligence (AI) for reconstruction.
These capabilities combine to enable the study of an unprecedented range of samples in the fields of materials science, battery research, advanced electronics, life science and many more while accommodating the novice to most expert users.
High-powered resolution performance with RaaD 2.0
ZEISS introduces higher energy capabilities and the new 40X Prime (40X-P) objective with ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa. Known for their ability to achieve Resolution at a Distance (RaaD), ZEISS Xradia Versa systems allow a wide array of sample types and sizes over a long range of length scales at high resolution. With 40X-P, the system achieves unparalleled resolution performance of 450-500 nm across the full range of energy, from 30 kV to 160 kV, defining RaaD 2.0 and unlocking entirely new application capabilities for researchers.
The user experience evolves for expanded accessibility
Novel X-ray imaging can be complex, so ZEISS XRM researchers studied user habits, dove into their challenges, and employed human-centered design principles for ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa. Now even the newest user can be immediately productive. The NavX software guides users through automated workflows with intelligent system insights and delivers experimental results more easily and efficiently while also allowing experienced users to explore the full versatility of ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa.
Additionally, the NavX File Transfer Utility (FTU) takes the data that is being produced by the microscope and automatically transfers it to other locations so that users have access where they need it, when they need it.
Game-changing AI
With the simultaneous launch of ZEISS Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (ART) 3.0, ZEISS offers the AI Supercharger package with the all-new ZEISS DeepScout as well as ZEISS DeepRecon Pro modules for all ZEISS Xradia Versa systems. ZEISS DeepScout uses high-resolution 3D microscopy datasets as training data for lower resolution, larger field of view datasets and upscales the larger volume data using a trained model, representing effective throughput boosts of 100 times what can be achieved by a very high spatial resolution at an equivalent volume. ZEISS DeepRecon Pro provides high throughput and image quality benefits across a diverse set of sample types.
This capability is available for the ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa platform, which provides maximum integration and power to seamlessly deliver resolution across large fields of view (FOV) with high throughput.
Daniel Sims, head of ZEISS X-ray Microscopy, says, “With our new flagship instrument, we are offering really innovative technologies that are integrated in a very powerful way. Our goal in developing this new XRM was to not just extend the imaging capability but to also ensure that all our users could easily access the full potential of the system, and that all customers will benefit from the increased productivity in their applications. We’re confident that ZEISS Xradia 630 Versa has achieved this result – the imaging capability has been extended significantly and it is quicker and easier to use. Both beginners and experts will be able to get faster results with greater insights making them more successful in their experiments and their facilities.”
Further information to be found here
Nyt FTIR mikroskop från Thermo Fisher
Engelsk: See it fast. Identify it faster.
The Nicolet RaptIR FTIR Microscope is designed with precision and speed in mind to allow you to generate high quality results far faster than other systems. It offers high resolution imaging, can work with a wide range of samples, and uses our powerful OMNIC Paradigm software with a new user interface to automate data collection and analysis.
The key features of the system are:
- High resolution
- Fast analysis
- Software enables productivity
- Ability to work with large samples
The Nicolet RaptIR Microscope is coupled to your Nicolet iS50 FTIR Spectrometer to create an even more powerful system. The combined system provides a broader array of capabilities, including FT-Raman, TGA-IR, NIR, far-infrared, and diamond ATR, for addressing complex analytical challenges.
Contact: richard.arbus@gammadata.se
PU Consulting – 3D-skanningsmikroskop för kostnadseffektiv tryckeriindustri
Perfekt tid för 3D-skanningsmikroskop för att minska färdigt avfall, minska tryckfärgsspill och öka produktiviteten!
Fördelarna för tryckeriindustrin med 3D-skanningsmikroskop och programvara Anilox, Kliché och Gravyr QC:
• Kvalitetskontroll på inkommande Anilox-, klichéer och gravyrvalsar.
• Mättning av Anilox innan de går i press för att se till att de ger ut rätt pigment volym, inte smutsiga, pluggade och skadade.
• Hur effektiv är er rengöringsmetod, behöver ni göra ändringar i programmet?
PU Consulting AB ser till att ta fram den utrustning som passar för just dina behov.
Kontakta oss för mer information och offert på info@puconsulting.se eller ring +46 (0) 722 344 202.